Adding and editing brands 🎦


This article will provide an overview on how to add and edit brands on your account.

Only company admins are able to create and manage brands. Adding brands will allow you to assign brands to specific assets and campaigns throughout your account. To create and edit your brands hover over the settings icon on the bottom left and select Settings > Brands

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From here you can create and edit the brands on your account. Your main company name will be listed as the current default brand to start. It is possible to change the default brand after you create two or more brands on the page. To create a new brand select Add brand


This will open the brand detail page, allowing you to edit the Main information, Brand identity, and the address for your brand. Enter the name and industry that you would like to apply to your brand. You can search across the pre-populated industry options by typing in keywords. 




Once you have entered your brand name and industry, select the Brand identity tab on the top left of the page. Add an image for your brand logo and select the primary and secondary colors. 



With your logo and colors selected you can now select the Address tab on the top left. Enter the address for your new brand and select Save bottom right of the page. 



The brand page will load again showing the new brand added to your account. 




If you need to edit your brand, select the three dots to the right of your brand name. Select to View/edit brand or to Set as default brand. Editing the brand will open the Brand detail page with the date the brand was added, the last modified date for the brand, and the ability to Set as default or Delete Brand



Make any updates you need and then save the brand details page. Deleting the brand is permanent and the system will prompt a confirmation window before completing the deletion of the brand.






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