Understanding the Jobs analytics dashboard

This article will help explain the details found on the Jobs analytics dashboard. Understanding how your posts and assets are performing is key to empowering you to reach the active and passive candidates across social media.  

The CareerArc analytics page is meant to highlight the most valuable information you and your team should see when you need to access the reporting to better understand the performance of your posts and assets. 

To navigate to your Jobs analytics dashboard select Analytics > Jobs

Dashboards overview


Using the filters to tell your story:


The Jobs analytics dashboard can help you understand the story of your social profiles and the overall impact your posts are having with your active and passive candidates. Each dashboard will adjust to the Day/Week/Month/Quarter/Year filter along the top of the dashboard. As you select these different view filters, it will adjust based on the date range you have selected. You can use this filter tool to adjust your date range, the brand you are viewing, the specific platforms in use, and the specific profiles you are reviewing. 


Job posts by platform:

Posting trends over time will show the number of job posts published across all your jobs campaigns, broken out by platform. Where your posts went will show the overall percentage of your job posts by social platform.



Job clicks and trends across your platforms:

The number of times users clicked on a job link from a published post, broken out by platform, and the percentage of those clicks across your social platforms.


Job post click heatmap:

The job post click heatmap will drill down to show the times and day of the week when your Job clicks happened. The darker the time of day the more engagement you are seeing during that time frame. 



Top performing table:

The top performing table will show the top 10 for each of the following (note: we determine top performing by the overall clicks/post ratio)

  • Jobs
  • Campaigns
  • Categories (job categories)
  • Locations (City, State)
  • Countries
  • Social Profiles
  • Sources
  • Brands


Job map clicks over time:

Total number of times a user clicked on the apply link from the job map and were redirected to the job details page on your ATS.


Top performing job maps:

In this table we break out the top performing job clicks based on total clicks per location, jobs, categories, and individual job maps (up to 10).


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