Using native videos to increase your reach

Uploading native videos can help increase your reach to the active and passive candidates across social platforms. The beauty of native video is that it doesn't interrupt the user experience with unnecessary extra clicks or new windows, which means the user can stay more engaged with the content you are posting. 

Native video is any video file uploaded directly to the asset library in CareerArc. By uploading a file directly to your asset library, you allow the video to be played in-feed on the social platform where you are posting your content. This allows the video to shine in the midst of your post, providing a great user experience for the candidates scrolling through your content.

Native videos are designed to perform better across all platforms. So, grab your branded videos, upload them to your asset library, and show them off in your beautiful job distribution or eb posts! 




Creating native video should feel fun and exciting for the candidate when scrolling through your content. Most people have sound off by default, so we recommend you make sure your native video can be understood with the sound off. It should tell the story of your brand or job title, adding another layer to your content and distribution. 

Views on native video increase every day with Instagram itself having over 500 million views every single day. This shows that videos provide a place of authenticity and an enjoyable experience for the candidates as they head to social media. Not only that, but native videos command more attention from the user. Native videos engage the user so much more that a 2017 Quintly review found they generate up to 530% more comments. 

Bottom line, native videos are designed to perform better. It does take more time and effort to create and prepare this content, but gather your team and get creative. Using native videos will help increase your overall reach and tell the story of your brand across all of your posts. 


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