Schedules are how you tell CareerArc campaigns when and where to publish content. You can add unlimited schedules to any campaign, set start and end dates for publishing, and more. In this article, you will learn the steps of adding a posting schedule to an existing jobs campaign. 

To add a schedule to a jobs campaign, first navigate to Campaigns > Jobs:

Click on the campaign you'd like to add a posting schedule to and scroll down to select Manage schedules in the Summary tab:

This will open up the schedule list page, where you can add and edit the existing schedules for that campaign. 

To add a new schedule, select Add schedule at the top of right of the schedule list page:


This opens the new schedule window, where you can choose the following publishing settings:

  • Where: Select the social media profile where you want the job posts to go.
  • What (type): Choose if you want summary posts to be published. *This is not recommended unless you've done the work of setting up summary jobs post templates.
  • When: Select the timezone and the date to begin posting these jobs. You may also select an end date here.
  • Customize: Choose the posting frequency recommended by CareerArc, or use the Customize schedule option to pick how many posts go out, the time of day they publish, and on which days of the week/month. 

Here is an example of a custom schedule that will publish one post per day every Tuesday and Thursday between 8am and 4pm:

Once you've filled out the details of your new schedule, select the Save button on the bottom right of the window, and your schedule will be active and connected to the jobs campaign.

To edit an existing schedule, click on the hyperlinked name under the Profile column of the Schedules list. You can also select the three dots to view/edit the schedule or to access more options like Delete schedule and Copy schedule:


Scheduling tips:

  • Do not add summary posts to your campaign until you've familiarized yourself with those and enabled summary jobs templates.
  • Add more than one schedule for the same profile for greater timing or post type flexibility (e.g. one regular schedule posting at 8am on Tuesdays, one summary jobs schedule posting at 3pm on Thursdays).
  • No need to select the campaign for your schedule; this is automatic.
  • Once you have your schedules and the campaign is live, verify that things look correct by using the calendar.

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