This article will help you understand the information provided on the CareerArc home page.
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Social profile visibility
Jobs, Assets, and Top Job Campaigns
Every time a user logs into CareerArc, they are taken to the CareerArc home page. The focus of the home page is to highlight the most valuable information users should see when they first log in to the platform.
Social profile visibility
Up to 9 social profile avatars will be shown in the top right area of the homepage to provide visibility of what profiles have connected and where their content is being distributed.
The total number of profiles that need attention will be listed here. Selecting the profiles that need attention link will take you to the social profile overview page, filtered on accounts that need attention.
Selecting any of the social profile avatars will link directly to that social media profile on its native platform.
If you have more than 10 profiles connected to the account, the homepage will show a “+#” avatar that indicates the total number of profiles and links to the social profiles page when clicked. NOTE: The social profiles are shown in the following order: company profiles first (Twitter, LI, FB, then Instagram, and then LinkedIn Personal profiles)
Key Metrics
The top of the page will display key metrics to show you what has happened over the past 30 days:
- Posts: this is the number of posts across all of your social platforms
- Impressions: the number of times your posts were seen on social media, excluding LinkedIn personal profiles.
- Job clicks: the number of times a candidate clicked on a job link across all your traffic sources and was redirected to your ATS.
- Hours saved: based on the estimate that each post takes 4 minutes to create and publish.
Top posts
Your top performing posts by the number of impressions made in the past 30 days. The drop down filter allows you to choose a specific social media platform.
Publishing today
This is a snapshot of what posts are happening today. Take a quick look at how many job posts and EB posts are scheduled to publish today. This will also allow you to click directly on profile avatars and to investigate any posts that might be in an error state.
Jobs, Assets, and Top job campaigns
In the bottom row of the homepage, we are showing you the 3 key areas that help you keep track of the key components for your job distribution.
- Jobs: see the total amount of jobs active in the system
- There is a timestamp and status to help you know when the last job import took place and whether or not it was successful.
- Selecting the card will take you directly to the jobs page where you can view all the jobs in the system.
- Assets: this is an animated asset card that will scroll through the different assets you have in the account
- Selecting the top level icons will allow you to choose between media, text templates and hashtags.
Clicking through on whichever asset type is currently selected will take you to that specific asset page in the Library.
- Top job campaigns: see your top 3 performing job campaigns over the past 30 days, ordered by clicks per post. Selecting one of these job campaign names will take you directly to the jobs campaign page.