Courteous and Helpful Product Support 

Whether it’s a simple product question or an immediate issue you need help resolving, you will always receive a welcoming response from a client success team, equipped to provide you with friendly, succinct support so you can do your social recruiting thing. 


Great client service doesn’t matter if it’s not delivered efficiently and quickly.  That’s why we’ve established clearly defined service level agreements to make sure that from initial response to resolution, we’ve got you covered.  

Trusted Advisors 

Purchasing a new software solution can seem daunting. You may ask yourself, "What if I configure this incorrectly?" or "How do I know I'm using CareerArc to its fullest potential?" We have a team of client success professionals whose mission in life is to ensure you are set up to maximize the full benefit of CareerArc.

Access To Up-to-Date Help Resources

Some companies only provide the bare minimum of resources and expect you to “learn your way through the system”.  Not at CareerArc.  We believe firmly in the notion that different users like to learn and experience a system in different ways.  That’s why we have built a comprehensive help center chocked full of valuable videos, articles, customer forums, and advanced searching so you can find exactly what you need whenever you need it. 

Be Heard

CareerArc believes strongly in pursuing an active dialog with our clients. Our product innovation only matters if it is addressing your critical challenges in Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding. That’s why we actively reach out to our clients to hear firsthand the challenges they are having in their space so we can understand how to address challenges you have now and challenges you didn’t even know were right around the corner.

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