This article will provide the steps needed to create an employer brand campaign.
We know how important it is to tell the story around your company/brand, so active and passive candidates know who you are before they even know they need you. Employer brand campaigns utilize an automated system to distribute employer brand posts, connected by an employer brand category, on a recurring bases to multiple social profiles in your account.
Key Features:
- Every account in CareerArc starts with a default set of employer brand campaigns (e.g. company news, culture, employee spotlights, diversity, equity and inclusion).
- An employer brand campaign creates a collection of related posts using a single employer brand category. When you create an employer brand campaign, it creates the corresponding employer brand category name.
- CareerArc user can create an unlimited number of employer brand campaigns connected to multiple social profiles. A single post will publish once per connected profile.
- Employer brand campaigns require the following components to be Healthy
- At least one employer brand post template
- At least one connected social profile.
- Employer brand statuses
DRAFT - The campaign is in process of being created
HEALTHY - The campaign has all required settings and content (see required items above)
NEEDS ATTENTION - The campaign has one or more issues with number of posts or profiles (see required items above)
Creating an employer brand campaign
To create an employer brand campaign navigate to Campaigns > Employer brand:
This will take you to the Employer brand list page where you can search across your campaigns or create a new Employer brand campaign. To create a new Employer brand campaign select the Add employer brand campaign option:
This opens up the new campaign detail section on the right side of the page. From here you can do the following:
- Name: Click in the name box to edit and change the EB campaign name. This is used as both EB campaign name and EB category available for organizing assets and posts. EB categories are used to:
- Name/categorize campaigns (collections of related posts)
- Categorize standalone posts added to your calendar
- Categorize employer brand assets within your asset library
- Description: provide a contextual description for your team to better understand the purpose of the campaign
Adding posts to the campaign
Below the summary section of the campaign is the option to Add posts.
Select the add post option to add new posts to the campaign. You will see a display of any posts already added to the campaign. To add a new post, select the big plus Add post button.
In the post builder you will see the following:
- EB category/name associated with the post/campaign
- Post text box: create the text you would like to include with the post
- Post options: below the text box you can insert emojis, youtube/vimeo links, web links, jobs, and hashtags. The asset library will automatically load options along the right side based on the assets tagged with the corresponding EB category. So, in this example hashtags tagged with the General EB category will appear at the top of suggested assets:
- Insert a template: if you would like to use one of your employer brand templates created in your assets library, select the link to insert a template. This will load all of your employer brand post templates with the suggested posts at the top based on the General EB category:
- Attach Media: Use the attach media box to either add new media from your hard drive, or select the Open asset library link. This will open up the suggested media assets that already exist in your library, starting with the assets tagged to the EB category you are using.
- Posting guidelines: CareerArc will live update the posting guidelines based on the content you add to your post. This will let you know what social platforms are eligible to use this post based on their posting guidelines:
- Settings: Based on the eligible posting guidelines, you can select the social platforms that you want this post to be used for on the eb campaign. Simply select the platforms for use, so that any new schedule added to the platform must fall within these guidelines to publish the post:
Select Add to campaign and your new post will be added to the campaign and queued for circulation.
Adding schedules to the campaign
Select the Manage schedules option just below the Posts section on the right panel of your EB campaign detail page.
This will open up the schedule list page where you can add and edit the existing schedule on the page. A schedule is a connected social profile with specific times selected for posting the content connected to this job campaign. To add a new schedule select the Add schedule option on the schedule page:
This will open up the new schedule page where you can select the following:
- Where?
- Profile: select the social media profile you want to connect to this campaign
- When?
- Timezone: select the time zone for posting this content
- Start posting: select a start date and end date. Not selecting an end date means the campaign will continue to post from the start date as long as the campaign is HEALTHY.
- Summary: view the summary of your campaign posting schedule. The schedule is automatically set by CareerArc to take advantage of best posting practices across social media platforms. If you would like to customize the schedule, select the Customize schedule button.
- Customize schedule: the calendar loaded to the right will give you an agenda view of your upcoming posts to help with choosing a specific day/time for your schedule.
- Frequency: choose the frequency of your posts by day, week, or month
- At this time: choose a window of time for your posts, or choose a specific time of the day.
- Customize schedule: the calendar loaded to the right will give you an agenda view of your upcoming posts to help with choosing a specific day/time for your schedule.
Select save and now your campaign schedule is added to the employer brand campaign. Any time you need to edit this EB campaign, simply select the name of the campaign to open the right panel details. It's as simple as clicking on the areas you need to edit to make your changes.