This article will outline the steps needed to create a jobs campaign.
Job campaigns use an automated program that dynamically generates job posts and distributes them to connected social media profiles. Job campaigns leverage the core tagging capabilities to match your jobs with the relevant assets you have created to produce high quality posts.
Key takeaways on Job campaigns:
- Your account automatically includes an All jobs campaign to provide a quick starting point. However, this campaign can be modified or deleted if you need to make any changes.
- Your account can have unlimited job campaigns, and you can connect as many social profiles as you would like to any job campaign.
- Campaigns require the following key components to be considered Healthy
- At least one matching job
- At least three images or videos added and tagged in your asset library.
- At least five text templates created and tagged in your asset library.
- At least one connected social profile.
- Campaign statuses
- DRAFT - The campaign is in the process of being created.
- HEALTHY - The campaign has all the required settings and contents as outlined above.
- NEEDS ATTENTION - The campaign has one or more issues with the jobs, content, or profiles from the items listed above. You can always hover over the NEEDS ATTENTION status badge to see a pop up explanation of the specific reason.
Creating a Campaign
To create a new jobs campaign select Campaigns > Jobs:
This will take you to the list page for all the job campaigns in your account. By default you should see the All Jobs campaign here at the start. To create a new job campaign select the Add jobs campaign option at the top right of the page:
This will create a new job campaign and open up the details panel on the right side of the page. From here you can make changes by just clicking in the following areas in the panel:
- Name: name the new campaign. Be as specific as possible for the type of campaign, so it easy to search and report against later.
- Description: add a description for the campaign to help provide some context to your team.
- Manage Jobs: by default this is set to include All jobs. If you need to narrow down the selection of jobs, choose Specific jobs and add the the different job tags to define the specific jobs to be included in the campaign.
- Manage Schedules: This will open up the schedule list page where you can add and edit the existing schedule on the page. A schedule is a connected social profile with specific times selected for posting the content connected to this job campaign.
Adding schedules to the campaign
Select the Manage schedules option on the bottom of the campaign details pane.
This will open up the schedule list page where you can add and edit the existing schedule on the page. A schedule is a connected social profile with specific times selected for posting the content connected to this job campaign. To add a new schedule select the Add schedule option on the schedule page:
This will open up the schedule page where you can select the following:
- Where?
- Profile: select the social media profile you want to connect to this campaign
- When?
- Timezone: select the time zone for posting this content
- Start posting: select a start date and end date. Not selecting an end date means the campaign will continue to post from the start date as long as the campaign is HEALTHY.
- Summary: view the summary of your campaign posting schedule. The schedule is automatically set by CareerArc to take advantage of best posting practices across social media platforms. If you would like to customize the schedule, select the Customize schedule button.
- Customize schedule: the calendar loaded to the right will give you an agenda view of your upcoming posts to help with choosing a specific day/time for your schedule.
- Frequency: choose the frequency of your posts by day, week, or month
- At this time: choose a window of time for your posts, or choose a specific time of the day.
- Customize schedule: the calendar loaded to the right will give you an agenda view of your upcoming posts to help with choosing a specific day/time for your schedule.
Select save and now your campaign schedule is added to the job campaign.
Select the assets tab of your campaign to view the assets currently tagged and connected to the campaign.
At the top of the assets summary, CareerArc will provide you with the number of potential unique job post combinations you could have in this campaign. If you would like to view post examples for the campaign, select the View post examples option below the job post combination number.
The post examples page provides a preview of your possible posts and even allows you to view the assets involved. On this page you can check the following:
- Social media platform: just to the right of the job list are the icons for Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can toggle these social media platforms to see how each will look with the post.
- Assets used in this example: from here you can view and edit the image used for the campaign, the text template used, and the hashtags used for the campaign.
- Another example: select the another example refresh link to refresh the text and assets on the page to get another post example.
Post History
Select the post history tab to view a list of post previews for all the published content from the job campaign.
Set your job campaign to Live
Once your job campaign is ready, you will want to choose the option to Go live. Select the Go Live button at the top of the right panel details for the job campaign.