Static Images
- Format: .JPG or .PNG
- Width: At least 400px
- Size: Less than 40MB
- RECOMMENDED SIZE: 1200x628px
Instagram: Between 9:16 and 1.91:1
- Size: Less than 5MB
- Width: At least 400px
Eligibility: Can only be used on Employer Brand posts on LinkedIn and Twitter/X
Native Videos
- Format: .MP4 or .MOV
- Size: Less than 500MB
- Aspect Ratio: Between 9:16 and 16:9
- Twitter/X: Less than 140 seconds
- LinkedIn: Between 3 seconds and 10 minutes
- Facebook: Less than 240 minutes
- Length: Between 3 seconds and 60 seconds
- Size: Less than 100MB
- Aspect ratio: Between 9:16 and 16:9
Video Links
Video links can be used in jobs campaigns or standard EB posts, and they must be through Vimeo or YouTube. Learn more in our article on how to add video links to the asset library