June 11, 2024 — Main navigation update

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Our team has been working hard on some stellar updates to the main navigation. Because you should be able to hit the ‘easy’ button on social recruiting. 

We hope the updates create a much more intuitive and accessible experience within CareerArc. Let’s dive into what’s new.

The main navigation

You asked, we listened. Our nav used to appear into a condensed format-where the icons did all the talking-this new look is expanded with several sections reorganized and renamed for streamlined access and improved usability.

Here’s a side-by-side before and after: 

Key takeaways of the expanded navigation: 

  • All major pages listed at top level. Pages include: home, profile, assets, campaigns, posts, calendar, and analytics.
  • Bottom section condensed. This now includes: create post, power-ups, and settings. You can see all the settings you have access to in a pop-up menu.
  • No need to hover over icons. Sections are fully written out for clarity. 
  • Profiles, Assets, Posts, & Calendar all now have their own buttons. Easy to access & easy to use. 
  • With one click, view subsections in the first tab that pops out. All other options will be visible without needing to reopen the menu. Take a peek here: 

Settings changes

The ‘jobs’ page has been moved into the settings section alongside your jobs import controls, so if you see a problem you can quickly fix it. Additionally, the section formerly known as ‘job sources’ has been renamed to ‘jobs Import’. 

‘Asset sources’ was removed and’ logout’ & ‘my account’ were added under settings. If you want to view “my account” as an internal user, you can add yourself as a user to a company using another email and create a standard user login. 


These changes are designed to help you navigate the CareerArc platform more effectively, so you can focus on what matters most: managing your job postings and growing your employer brand with ease. 

We hope these updates improve your experience, and we look forward to your feedback. Have questions for us? Feel free to contact our support team with questions, comments, or for further assistance. 

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