Aug 29, 2023: Job data exports and importing text templates

Love digging into your job data? Hate creating templates one by one? 

Great news! CareerArc just so happens to have two new releases that give you the best of both! These will help you save time, effort, and get more detailed data for your teams. It's been a busy summer of product goodies, so let's jump in and take a look!


Job Data Export

Currently, you can view your job data in the analytics tab, but we wanted to give you more of this data in a format you can adjust for your own needs. This new feature allows you to export your job analytics data from the jobs analytic page. Not only does this include the data from your “Top Performing” tables, but you’ll also have access to these table segments for all of the job data. With just one export, you’ll be able to review: 

  • Summary: Unique Jobs Posted, Hours Saved, Posts, Clicks, Job Map Clicks
  • Jobs: Job ID, Brand, Title, Category, Location, Country, Posts, Clicks, Clicks/post, Twitter posts, Twitter clicks, FB posts, FB clicks, LinkedIn Company posts, LinkedIn Company clicks, LinkedIn Ambassador posts, LinkedIn Ambassador clicks, LinkedIn job listings clicks, Job map clicks
  • Campaigns: Campaign, Posts, Clicks, Clicks/post
  • Categories: Category, Posts, Clicks, Clicks/post
  • Locations: Location, Posts, Clicks, Clicks/post
  • Countries: Country, Posts, Clicks, Clicks/post
  • Social profiles: Profile, Platform, Posts, Clicks, Clicks/post
  • Sources: Source, Posts, Clicks, Clicks/post
  • Brands: Brand, Posts, Clicks, Clicks/post
  • Job Maps: Job map, Clicks

Simply choose the Export job analytics data link at the bottom of your Jobs analytics dashboard: CareerArc-Training.png


Import Text Templates

This new feature allows you to upload job post text templates in bulk, helping save your teams time and added effort. You’ll use one Excel sheet to format your job templates for the system and then simply upload this to the dashboard for them to be added to your library for use. 

Example Excel Import File: 

Where to import in CareerArc:


Our hope is that these features create more efficiency when you’re working in the dashboard, as well as help your team dial in on key job performance insights. 

See you at the next release!

With love from your friendly CareerArc team 

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